I finished my first two weeks of campus learning today and it’s so tiring having about 6 hours of lectures a day. 2 hours of lectures in IMU was sometimes bad enough and now 6...arghhh. The lectures were okay but a bit here and there. IMU lectures are so organized and thorough. But lectures here are quite relaxed. Firstly no need to wear FORMAL attire. So everyone is in shorts, t-shirts, singlet and flip flops (known as jandals in NZ). The students quite readily ask questions and participate in discussion. Even the lecturers are easy going and ask to be addressed by the first name. I got to know some of the other 4th years slowly and they are friendly and helpful. The class has about 180 students and is very diverse. One thing I found about them is they all eat very little. Most just eat fruits and yoghurt for lunch. Just that!!!! They even just scoop and eat the watermelon straight without cutting it. Found it really interesting. The Kiwi’s especially go outdoors any free time they get. Be it just 20 minutes but they will surely start tossing a ball or Frisbee around. And we IMU students usually would just stay in class. Haha.
We had 3 days lectures on Maori and Pacific cultures. We even visited a marae (the Maori gathering house). Their traditions and practices are very interesting. Oh and the nose rubbing greeting is called a “hongi”. I hope to learn more about their tradition in the coming years.
Today since we were done by lunch, Sharon, James and I went to Queen Street. It was raining and the wind was so strong that the umbrella that I just bought last week (using it for the first time today) got over turned and broke. It is all misshapen but still covers my head. I did notice though that, lots of people seem to be using broken umbrellas. I guess the same thing happens when you buy a new umbrella so might as well stick with the broken one. On our way back, we just ended up eating Korean food. I ate this tofu soup with rice and it was delicious especially since it was nice and hot while it weather was cold.
I am starting my first run next week. General Surgery at Auckland City Hospital. I am feeling very excited and nervous at the same time. Two of us will be attached to a team consisting of a consultant, registrar (mo’s in msia), house officer, intern and trainee intern. Sound like Grey’s anatomy huh!!! Wonder if I will see any Mc dreamy’s or Mc steamy’s. Haha. But Chase is of course the most important!!!!! :)
The broken misshapen umbrella...
My Auckland uni student ID and name badge for the hospital..
Cookies from Mrs Higgin and simple superb. Its even nicer than Famou Amos and you can smell the shop a mile away. Yummy.